Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Girl baby clothes and little boys!

When Norman and I were expecting Chris, the First Baptist Church gave us a baby shower. Now at that time if your pregnancy was going fine, you didn't have all these "grams" done to check on baby or to see what sex it was..You found out what the baby was when you delivered it! So at the shower we got both boy stuff and girl stuff.

Well, we had a boy.....the cutest little boy ever! But we had all these cute little girl clothes. We came home...I was scared to death of him...but we learned...all three of us!

About a month later I had given Chris a bath and was beginning to put some little tiny clothes on him when I got to looking at the girl clothes...I was curious to see what they looked like on a baby guessed it..I tried those clothes on him! They were so cute! I was on the very last outfit (wasn't but about 3 dresses)...and in walked Norm! *LOL* He didn't say much..he never did...but I could tell he wasn't too happy. Needless to say I didn't do that again! *L*

But were so cute when you were wearing a dress!!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fireworks and puppy dogs

When Chris was 10 or so he had this black lab. His name was Mingo. He was a full blood lab and had a better name than that but we called him Mingo and it just stuck. Anyway, I remember one 4th of July, the kids were shooting fireworks out in our driveway. They were having a really good time!

Now Mingo was terrified of them!! So when I came out the door going into the garage, Mingo went IN the door ...going into the laundry room. Now this was a big dog...he wasn't fat but he was a good sized dog. Somehow he got between the washer and dryer and was sitting there whimpering and howling. He wouldn't come out...even after the fireworks were over! I tried bribing him to come out... I even braced both feet against the w/d and grabbed his ears and tried to pull him out! Nope! Finally I propped the door going outside open and eventually he went out... dumb dog! I still miss him!

Phone calls and little boys..

I got a phone call the other night. At first it was just heavy breathing so I said "Hello?" again. Then this little voice chimed in..."Hi BeBe"!!!! so of course I said Hi Kaleb!! He then said "I can spell my name!!" So I (of course *grin*) said well, spell it! He said...K A L E B!!!! I said wow!!! That is so good!! and so smart!!! He was agreeing with me all this time of then I said...How do you spell BEBE??

There was this sudden silence...and then more heavy breathing *LOL* and then in this proud little voice.... He said B B!!! I got so tickled!!! So I told him that was so good and that I was so proud of him!! Then he spelled it again...over and over *LOL* It was so cute!!!!!

Nah...I'm not a proud BeBe!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Memories....memories of my kids, grandkids and just life in general.